Insecurity may manifest in the following aspects:
1. Social anxiety: People who are insecure may Feeling uncomfortable and nervous, especially in social situations. There may be a fear of rejection or not being accepted and therefore avoid social activities or appear shy and reticent.
2. Emotional dependence: People who are insecure may rely too much on the support and approval of others to feel safe. There may be a constant need for attention and care from others, otherwise they will feel lost and lonely.
3. Control: Insecure people may try to control everything around them to gain more control and certainty. May become overly concerned with details, trying to predict and control events in order to feel safe.
4. Anxiety and worry: People who are insecure may feel uneasy and worried, believing that they cannot cope with unknown situations. May become overly concerned with potential risks and dangers, resulting in anxiety.
5. Self-doubt: Insecure people may question their own value and abilities, believing that they are not strong enough to face challenges and pressures. May avoid trying new things or taking on challenges because they lack self-confidence.
These symptoms may be exhibited by people who are insecure. If you or someone close to you is exhibiting these signs, consider seeking professional help for support and advice.